Thursday, April 25, 2013

Open Spaces - Blog of the Week

Name: Kendra     

Blog Name:  OPEN SPACES. I was looking for adventure but felt trapped in the daily routine of work and being an interior design student. I wanted a place that reminded me to dream big and live to the fullest. 
Blog - Facebook - Pinterest - Bloglovin

Ten Facts:
1. I've traveled to 10 different countries
2. I'm an artist
3. If I could wear some sort of boot everyday of the year I would
4. I dont really like sweets
5. My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years, but have known each other for 10
6. When I cook, I hate following a recipe
7. I am a terrible baker
8. My daily vice is more than a few cups of coffee
9. Everyday my husband reminds me to drive safe.. Im not sure if he is dropping hints.
10. I love DIY projects, it is so fun seeing what can be made out of someones junk.   
Why did you start blogging? 
My sister kept nudging at me that it would be a good idea, so one day I started and fell in love. 

Words of Advice?
To be true to themselves, I've met to many people who are afraid to be themselves and they become who they think people want to be. The people I love and are drawn to are people who are confident in themselves, corks and all. 

Do you know an incredible blog with less than 500 followers that everyone should know about?

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